Wednesday, February 4, 2009

¡Dia tres! ¡Avanzamos! ¡Hasta la Victoria - ¡SIEMPRE!

Ok, a new day , new oportunities. We are still trying to get a permission for our documentary. It seems that Cuba is like a huge analog "facebook". Networking is everything and eveybody knows someone who knows someone who could maybe help us to achieve our goal. Yesterday we were invited by the austrian embassador to his residence, a big villa in miramar. Also, a big culture shock , far away from the cuban reality we experience in Habana Vieja. The austrian government rents a colonial palace in the district generally known for it´s posh residences, english garden included.
Dont make apointments with cuban people and expect them to be on time. The term "waiting" gains a wholly new significance when waiting in Cuba. We are writing concepts, changing them, refining them again, elaborating and trying to express ourselves the best we can. "No somos contra Cuba, no somos contra Cuba". Remember that.
That´s not enough, unfortunately. To get tot he right people you need cleverness, patience and time. And a CubaBook full of contacts, just waiting for a message on their wall.

- thaelmann & babaluga - 
for the nueva vista team

Malecon. As seen from a Lada. Please note the waves.
Our Elevator. Isn´t it a dear?
Re-writing our concept.
Embassy fun.
Re-writing our concept again.

1 comment:

  1. if you have so many time don't forget to visit havannas botanical garden. i've heard it is really nice. to get to know a country you have to include nature. cheers bri
