Monday, February 9, 2009

Monday, February 9th. Dia 8 en Cuba.

Monday, February 9th.

8 Days in Cuba.

8 Days waiting for something to happen, working, phoning, writing.

Today: Another 2 hours and 30 minutes spent in the office of Martinair, trying to change babalugas flight. Finally, we manage to get a flight on the 22nd for baba & rudi, and then we spend another three quarters of an hour waiting for the credit card transaction to take place.

My recomendation: Never go to an airline with an empty stomach. "It sucks" as Abel would say. And me, hungry: not a pretty sight at all. At least there is my trusty laptop to bring me some comfort, writing these lines. Without such compensation, my lust for flesh, preferably fried, with potatoes, and some tabasco, hmmm.. and "Arroz congrí" again, yes, thats it... Ahhhhh... you get the picture.

We got the pictures as well. As the connection to the internets here is as powerful as, well, exactly one flock of pigeons flying across the atlantic, youtube bliss will only ensue when we are back in the civilised world of cheap broadband access.

But, yes, the pictures are wonderful, I assure you. I´m also reassuring myself, of course.

Did I mention I was hungry? I still am.

Well, the whole picture for next year is looking, while not bright, at least somewhat illuminated. If our wonderful host Mercy (who´s a bit annoyed by our austrian custom of drinking a Bucanerito each evening) gets the contacts, we´ll be able to pitch our concept to the "Fundación Ludwig", the organisation for the advancement of german culture in latin america. Yes, you understood correctly. It´s apparently one of the more powerful non-governmental organisations here, and is not directly dependent on charging humongous heaps of cash from the occasional tourist or artist. At least, we hope so.

I should probably ad, at this point, that we are still waiting for the frickin credit card transaction, now a whole hour, and I´m still hungry as hell. If this goes on, I´ll consider fasting religously. And then eating a heavenly heap of spaghetti.

Ahhhh! Release! Deliverance! Arrrrrrr!
Praise to the flying spaghetti Monster! It´s a miracle! We´re finished!


- thaelmann-
(no one of the nueva vista team had anything to do with this post.)

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